A deposit and a signed copy of this agreement are required to reserve your portrait session date. The remaining balance of the portrait fee is due on the day of Client’s portrait session.
Final images will be ready within 2 weeks of the session date. Client will then view their photos via an online link. Photographer retains the right to edit the photographs as she sees fit based on experience and exertise and omit any image(s) that do not meet her standards.
Client understands that by entering into this agreement, Photographer is foregoing other photographic jobs. In the event of a cancellation or postponement of the portrait session/agreement by Client, the deposits paid are non-refundable. Deposits are transferable if a date change is necessary. Forty-eight hours (48) notice of postponements or cancellations is appreciated.
Photographer is not responsible if Client and/or key individuals fail to appear or cooperate during portrait sessions, or for missed images due to details not revealed to Photographer. Photographer’s camera is the only camera allowed at the photo session because of the distraction it causes, especially to small children, which hinders Photographer’s ability to obtain quality shots. If Client and/or key individuals fail to appear to a scheduled portrait session, the deposit is non-refundable.
All images and copyrights are the property of Little Daisies, Jessie ("Photographer"). In exchange for services provided, Photographer retains the exclusive right to copy, edit and distribute any/all images created under this agreement, to the general public, for any reason, including but not limited to: advertising, marketing, sales, print competitions, educational seminars, and monetary gain. The mediums for display could include newspapers, magazines, books, television, and the internet, but are not limited to only those mediums. The Photographer retains these rights even if image files are turned over to the Client.
All photos created by Photographer are copyright protected. It is a violation of federal copyright law to copy, scan, or allow photographs created by Photographer to be reprinted, duplicated, digitally reproduced, copied, scanned, or altered digitally or otherwise, without Photographer's express written permission. The client may print (on their own) their personal photographs with the written consent of Photographer only once in possession of the digital images. The negatives/digital files remain sole property of Photographer and will never be given or sold.
Photographer agrees to grant these image rights to the client with a non-exclusive, limited, perpetual license.
This license allows the client to do the following with the images:
i) Display the images;
ii) Print the images;
iii) Upload, email, or electronically transfer the images or files; and,
iv) Publish the images on personal websites or social media websites
Client is obtaining prints for personal use only, and shall not sell said prints or authorise any reproductions by parties other than Photographer. Prints for publication (such as editorial, public relations or advertising use) require prior written consent from Photographer. A credit line which reads “Little Daisies Photography" in type no smaller than that of the related text must appear adjacent to or within all permitted published photographs.
I take the utmost care with respect to the exposure and retouching of digital captures. However, in the unlikely event that all the originals are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed within or beyond Photographer’s control, Photographer’s liability is limited to the refund of all payments received, or a reshoot can be scheduled at no additional cost. The limit of liability for partial loss or damage of originals shall be a prorated amount of the total amount, based on the percentage of originals lost or damaged. In the unlikely event that Photographer is injured or becomes too ill to attend the portrait session, Photographer will make every effort to reschedule to the earliest possible date. In the unlikely event of a total photographic failure or cancellation of this contract by either party or in any other circumstance, the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the total value of the contract. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or consequential loss.
Only images ordered at the time of viewing will be kept on file.
Standard retouching is included in the session fee. Standard retouching includes light blemish, bruises and scratch removal. Not included is complex retouching: hair color changes or adjustments, extreme scarring, laugh lines, nail color/filing, and body-shaping. Photographer has the right to refuse any requested edits to the images.
This Contract is not to be construed as an employment agreement in any way. The Photographer functions as an independent contractor.
This agreement contains the entire understanding between Photographer and Client. It supersedes all prior agreements between the parties. The only way to add or change this agreement is to do so in writing, signed by all the parties. If the parties want to waive one provision of this agreement, it does not mean that any other provision is also waived. This constitutes an order for one portrait session with Little Daisies Photography
By ticking the box above you agree to the terms and conditions in their entirety.